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Gabrielle Laurèntzen

The photographs taken by Gabrielle Laurèntzen holds Copyright


Gabrielle Laurèntzen. Zengarden 02.jpg
Gabrielle Laurèntzen

"Nature comes to me, beautiful, quiet and full of love, care and inner peace. Reminds me that I am neither light nor dark, neither one nor the other, just pure being. . . force. I am nature is in me."




On this page...

you are welcome to look at some pictures that I took around 2009 and a couple of years after. They have been on internet since that time and been used in my books Gryningens Epok (Dawn Era), and the poetry book, Gömda rum i naturen (secret rooms in nature). I am spiritual and a poet so always looking for something magical and poetry in nature. I am not a professionell photographer, just doing it for fun. The editing has been quit limited for me when it comes to nature photos and took the pictures with a ordinary camera. Sometimes it is enough to strenghten colours and put some shimmer around the photographs and magic comes forward. Proud to say, some of them has been printed out and been at walls in rooms where it´s been healing, massages and those kinds of treatments. This was around 2010 and some years after that. Some of them has also been used in different kind of events online and that is okey by me as long as refering to the photographer. Online though they are presented in smaller resolution.

I hope you enjoy.

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